“Based on the water quality data collected at the site, these corrective actions appear to be improving the groundwater quality in certain areas around the landfill.”
Question: Should not DEP require PTL to take more aggressive corrective action, given that test results indicate contamination trends are increasing or not being reduced in the many of the landfill areas being tested?
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Landfill update @ Dec. 19 Town Council Meeting
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Public Hearing Wednesday @ 7:00
The Hampden Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing this Wednesday at 7:00 pm on the Fiberight facility.
In previous discussions with Greg Lounder of the MRC, I had been assured that air emissions would be insignificant. However, according to comments made by Keith Bowden, an engineer who lives in Orrington, in Fiberight's current application, according to the data submitted, the project will exceed the 100 TYP limit for Carbon Monoxide emissions, thereby making it a Major, rather than minor source of air emissions, and in need of further DEP review. He also makes estimates based on their application that mercury emissions will exceed the allowable 25 pound limit per year limit; he estimates mercury emissions from 33.9 pounds a year to as high as 67.8 pounds a year, and that, among others emissions, Hydrogen Chloride emissions will exceed the allowable limit of 10 TPY.
Bowden's highly technical comments , submitted March 23, 2016, are on the DEP website under comments on the Fiberight application. Fiberight and DEP have yet to respond. Here's the link:
Residents in proximity to the Fiberight project had been told that the Fiberight project would have an insignificant impact on air quality. I think the Planning Board should give full consideration to the evidence that the plant may exceed regulatory limits of Carbon Monoxide, Mercury and Hydrogen Chloride and should wait for a detailed response by Fiberight and by the Maine DEP that addresses all the technical issues raised Mr. Bowden's comments before giving approval of the project. If you share those concerns, or have other concerns, come to the public hearing this Wednesday night at 7:00 pm.
Town of Hampden
Planning Board
Wednesday April 13, 2016
Municipal Building Council Chambers
7:00 pm
1.Approval of Minutes (March 16, 2016)
2.Old Business
3.New Business
A. Fiberight LLC/MRC: Solid Waste Recycling and Processing Facility
The Municipal Review Committee/Fiberight LLC, has proposed to construct a 144,000 square foot Solid Waste Processing Facilit
Public Hearing
4.Community Development Directors Report
A. Letter from MDOT Highway Safety Improvements
5.Planning Board Concerns